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Shukado News letter | Hello from Shukado.
This is Ikuko, Shukado staff. Ogenki desuka? To start off, I would like to say thank everyone to read our news letter always, our new letter started NEW style. We are thinking how to give you better service and our online store which will be gradually accepted as a highly trusted and secure website. We don' t want to tell you "Check your self" anymore. I hope you enjoy to read our NEW news letter and happy to visite our web gallery.
If you are interested in these items, please check it out and please let us know.
It's always our honor to assist you!!
| Recently Shukado news !
In last news letter, I introduced new artist Ikenaga Yasunari who we supported the first time. I would like to say thank you for your response about interesting his artworks. Unfortunately or fortunately his artworks were all sold out! but in this week, we receive few his fresh works from him. We will send you some picture of his artworks as soon as possible. I hope you will be excited to see his new works.
-Ikenaga Yasunari-
Anyway, in this week, we updated wonderful portrait of Kiyochika and others. We will join a ukiyo-e market next week, we have a hunch that we can purchase some interesting items there, so please don't forget to browse our site again!
- Click here for our New arrivals -
 | What we would like to do is;
| Please let us hear your voice.
Don't you introduce how tto appreciate your collection in our news letter. We would like to write your introduction as article about us. At the same time, we are also collecting your opinion and comment. Category and price are acceptable.We will appreciate your frank comments. NOTHING LIKE CUSTOMER'S VOICES MAKE US HAPPY!!
Address: Sone Bld. 7F,
Ginza 6- 4-8, Chuo-ku, Tokyo,
Tel: 81-3-3569-3620
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Hello, this is Shukado. Please enjoy our NEW news letter.
--------------- Japanese Fine by SHUKADO Address: Sone Building 7F, Ginza 6-4-8, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0061 TEL:(international number)+81-3-3569-3620 FAX:+81-3-3569-3621 email:
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